Monday, August 10, 2009

A Loving God & Suffering World

Christians throughout the centuries have wrestled with this topic. Why does God allow suffering? Why doesn't He intervene in horrible situations?

I am not going to attempt to answer this question. But I do want to make a few observations:

1. One problem in finding an answer is that intellectual answers are often not effective in dealing with emotional hurts. I may have a great theology on God & Suffering, but it may still do me little good when tragedy strikes.

2. Sometimes, when we question God, it is not in order to learn, but to accuse. If God were to answer us in those times, He would, in effect, be making Himself accountable to us. It is a dangerous place as a creature to be able to sit in judgement of the creator.

3. Perhaps God is silent when we ask this question because He knows that what we need is comfort, not solutions. I remember as an Air Force chaplain having people ask me in the midst of a tragedy, "Why did God let this happen?' My usual answer was, "This is miserable, isn't it?" Most of the time, people did not ask for a better explanation. What they really were doing was expressing their pain in a theological question and they really didn't need a theological answer.

4. I have found that as I grew deeper in the love of God, the importance of questioning what happens becomes less and less. I am more content to accept what I don't understand because I know the love of the Father for me. So, even when what is happening makes no sense, I can trust in Him and not my understanding of things (Prov 3:5-6). So, the questions remain, but they no longer nag at me because they are no longer that important. In the midst of struggle, instead of fighting God to understand, I can bathe in His love and find comfort instead.


  1. Thanks, Kevin. Sometimes when I can't answer this question, then I turn it into, "What is wrong with me?" or "What is wrong with my faith?" And then I can't experience God's comfort at all. But, you're right. God says, "I love you," and "I will go with you," and "Do not be afraid."
