Thursday, January 22, 2009

Loving God

Why is it that we can't love God (who we can't see) unless we love others (who we can see)?

Maybe, it is because both actions, loving God & loving others are the results of the same prior event - our experience of the love of God. It is that knowing how greatly we are loved that causes us to love God in return and sets us free to love others without any conditions or manipulation.

Maybe God gives us this physical evidence of our love (loving others) because we can so easily deceive ourselves into thinking we are loving God even if we aren't.


  1. I so agree with your last paragraph. How can we qualitatively measure how much we love God? and what's the most ruthless yardstick? Maybe only other people can objectively ascertain how much (it appears) a God lover really loves.

    The other thing is-- when we pray, Show me how to love you Lord, how easy it is to miss when He answers us... Good thing He is patient! Which is another thing-- that's the first descriptor of what Love is in 1 Cor 13. Pretty amazing. So maybe our love of Him has to have that quality of patience to please Him... what do you think?

  2. It would seem to me that patience is such a key component of love becaue it involves the on-going denial of our own will. When we are patient, it means we have set aside our agenda. That crucifixion of our will allows us to love others and not ourselves.

  3. so, do you think that God's very nature is also one of denying self?

    That's an incredible thought. But Jesus lived it out...
