Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Walking with God Honestly

Jesus said that He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).

One of the implications of this verse is that, because He is truth, we will experience the presence of God on a consistent basis only as we live in truth. In this case, truth means far more than simple honesty. It speaks to being genuine and truly yourself. This is difficult to do in a world that expects each of us to be and to behave certain ways. In addition, we live in a church culture that places its own burdens of performance on us.

In response to these pressures, and out of a desire to be a good Christian, we learn early on how to behave properly - often at the cost of being ourselves. We no longer feel safe in church being ourselves, so we hide ourselves and put on a show of acceptability to those around us.

I have decided that one of the most precious gifts I have in my life are the people who are safe enough that I am able to be myself with them. They help reconcile me to myself and draw me closer to God. I wonder what would happen if we decided to leave behind the dysfunctional rules of how we ought to behave and decided to be genuine, to walk in truth.

Maybe we would find that sense of community and belonging that we long for.

Maybe we would come to terms with our struggles instead of hiding from them.

Maybe we would find God in a deeper way.


  1. the Holy Spirit will lead us in the way of Jesus, by His word and in our heart and spirit.
    in that i suppose that we put off the old self and take on a new one.
    we live in sin, yet through the grace of God, we belong to God.
    our sense of belonging can only come through God and through His Love. sometimes that Love shines through people, flawed as we are. we can sense that belonging in different ways, through our spirit, our heart, coming through in a way that the Spirit wants to reveal it to each of us.

    if we look to ourself, we will miss it.
    if we look to Jesus, we will see.

    Jesus said...

    In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.
    from john 16

    But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.
    Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
    from john 14

  2. Great thought. What would happen if our dear (and I don't use dear sarcastically) brothers and sisters in Christ stopped trying to stuff each other back into the acceptable Christian box anytime we feel legitimate freedom in Christ to be ourselves? Perhaps the children of this world would see something worth investigating and respond to the drawing of the Spirit.
