Saturday, March 28, 2009

Being in the Presence of God

When Jesus says to abide in Him, it is easy to focus on His command to us. What we can miss in the process is that Jesus is also revealing that it is His desire to be with us. In effect, the command to abide in Him is not so much a command as it is an invitation. Jesus wants us to experience His presence in an on-going way and He invites us to participate in that very thing. Why? Because He wants to experience our presence.


  1. This is profound. It raises all kinds of questions. what's in it for him?
    is it just because it's for our own good? Does he need us? does our relationship with him change him? relating is always a two way street.

  2. It does raise a lot of questions - ones I do not know I can answer. Perhaps part of the answer is found in the passage in Philippians where it tells us that Jesus emptied Himself. Maybe in relating to us, God sets aside some of His divine attributes, without losing His divine nature, so that there can be mtual interaction between Himself and His creation.

    This, of course, is speculation - the vain attempt to hold two truths - God's divine attributes and His relating to us - in our hands at the same time.

    I suppose we can either allow our inability to understand God to lead us into frustration and futility or we can allow it to lead us into worship. Would I really want a God if He was small enough for me to understand?
